We make sure that your software and systems are always up to date with the latest versions and patches.
Robust maintenance of IT systems is a must-have for any company. Regardless of the industry, technical problems can bring a lot of trouble — from lost revenue to reputational damage. We constantly monitor systems, update and respond quickly to failures, ensuring their uninterrupted operation.
Zamiast martwić się o przestoje, my zajmujemy się tym, by wszystko działało sprawnie. Dzięki temu masz pewność, że Twoje systemy są bezpieczne, zoptymalizowane i gotowe do szybkich zmian, jeśli zajdzie taka potrzeba. To właśnie ta dbałość o detale pozwala firmom skupić się na rozwoju, a nie na naprawianiu technologicznych problemów.
We make sure that your software and systems are always up to date with the latest versions and patches.
We monitor your systems non-stop to catch any irregularities in time and respond to them immediately.
We back up your data regularly so you can always be sure that everything is safe and ready to be recovered if something goes wrong.
We help in any situation by solving problems and minimizing any downtime that may occur. With our support, you can focus on growing your business.
We regularly check how your systems work and adjust them so that they are always in top shape.
We make sure your systems are compliant with industry regulations and standards so you don't have to worry about it.
We advise you on how to develop and improve IT systems so that they are future ready and grow with your company.
Let's talk about the strategy for maintaining your systems.
Leave your contact details and we will call you back to present a plan that will help your business avoid unnecessary trouble.
Każda godzina przestoju w Twojej firmie może kosztować dziesiątki tysięcy złotych!
Proaktywne podejście do utrzymania i rozwoju systemów IT to klucz do unikania awarii, które można przewidzieć i którym można zapobiegać. Dzięki bieżącemu monitorowaniu i zarządzaniu systemami, identyfikujemy zagrożenia na wczesnym etapie, minimalizując ryzyko kosztownych strat finansowych i wizerunkowych.
Dodatkowo, regularne utrzymanie systemów pozwala firmom na skuteczne zarządzanie "długiem technologicznym", czyli zbierającymi się problemami, które mogą wymagać kosztownej modernizacji. Eliminowanie takich zaległości na bieżąco sprawia, że unikamy większych awarii w przyszłości i znacznie obniżamy koszty związane z ewentualnymi dużymi modernizacjami.
Our SLA service with a response time of up to 2 hours
By entrusting your systems to us, we guarantee that in the event of a failure we will take action within a maximum of 2 hours of notification — 24/7. Thanks to this, you can always count on quick responses and effective solutions to problems, which helps keep your business constantly moving and away from unnecessary trouble.
Our service is billed only when we deal with the repair of breakdowns — no fixed subscriptions and minimum hours. You just pay for what you use!
Do you have new ideas, old systems to tackle, or a problem to solve? Write to us, we will suggest how to do it taking into account time, budget and resources.
If it is before 3:00pm - we will call you today.
If it is after 3pm - we will contact you tomorrow, unless tomorrow is a weekend, we will hear you on Monday.