We check your IT infrastructure. The audit helps identify weaknesses, develop a plan to improve performance, and reduce operating costs.
We observe situations where managers without CTO support do not have sufficient competence to make informed IT decisions, while programmers, although they have deep technical knowledge, do not always understand the full picture of the company's business goals. CTO na godziny - elastycznego lidera technologicznego, który wspiera Twoją firmę w różnych obszarach, takich jak doradztwo strategiczne, zarządzanie technologią czy konsultacje technologiczne.
CTO na godziny łączy biznes z technologią, zapewniając, że wdrażane rozwiązania technologiczne wspierają realizację celów krótkoterminowych i długoterminowych. To elastyczne podejście pozwala firmom korzystać z wiedzy eksperckiej bez konieczności zatrudniania pełnoetatowego specjalisty.
We check your IT infrastructure. The audit helps identify weaknesses, develop a plan to improve performance, and reduce operating costs.
We optimize internal IT processes by implementing Agile and DevOps methodologies. We improve communication between departments, which increases operational efficiency and speeds up project execution.
We help you choose the best tools and technologies by comparing different options and analyzing their impact on your needs. Thanks to this, you can consciously choose solutions that fit the current requirements and support the development of the company in the future.
We organize existing systems and tools to create a coherent, scalable technological structure. We eliminate the chaos resulting from accidental deployments and integrate different technologies into an easy-to-manage whole.
We help transform traditional business models into more modern, data-driven and automation. We increase productivity and enable you to adapt faster to changing market conditions.
We develop a long-term IT development plan by analyzing current systems and forecasting future needs. We map out technological development and plan investments, including building and developing IT teams that support the company's growth.
Schedule a free consultation with our CTO to help you understand how technology can support your business growth and put a solid IT strategy in place.
The lack of adequate technological competence in the management team is one of the main factors holding back innovation and growth of the company.
Companies that do not have a solid technological background on the board run the risk of falling behind the competition. Investing in the development of technological competences not only breaks down barriers to growth, but also builds strong foundations for future development. In the era of digital transformation, combining business knowledge with technology is not only an advantage, but a necessity if you want to stay competitive and continue to grow.
Doradztwo IT to idealny sposób na pokonanie tych wyzwań. Oferuje dostęp do ekspertów, którzy potrafią połączyć wiedzę biznesową z technologiczną, budując solidne fundamenty pod dalszy rozwój. Dzięki temu inwestowanie w świadome zarządzanie technologią nie tylko pomoże uniknąć kosztownych błędów, ale także przygotuje firmę na przyszłość.
IT consulting costs are flexible and tailored to the individual needs of your company. Whether you are just starting to implement an IT strategy or are already managing advanced solutions, we will tailor our services to your situation.
We work with companies of all sizes and in different phases of development, which allows us to offer solutions that best meet current needs.
Do you have new ideas, old systems to tackle, or a problem to solve? Write to us, we will suggest how to do it taking into account time, budget and resources.
If it is before 3:00pm - we will call you today.
If it is after 3pm - we will contact you tomorrow, unless tomorrow is a weekend, we will hear you on Monday.