Before we get down to business, we want to get to know your company and your system thoroughly. We check what needs to be changed or improved in the project so that everything is in line with your expectations.
We understand that changing tech partner during the course of a project can be a concern, especially if the investments are large. Many companies are faced with a dilemma - to continue with the existing supplier or to switch to a new one. If you are considering a change, we will walk you through the process, identifying problems and establishing rules of cooperation to prevent them from happening again.
Before we get down to business, we want to get to know your company and your system thoroughly. We check what needs to be changed or improved in the project so that everything is in line with your expectations.
We check the design documentation to assess how the introduced functionalities meet the requirements and whether they are in line with your expectations.
We analyze the structure of the system and available documents to identify potential problems and the strengths and weaknesses of the current solution.
We work with the code, checking its compliance with the technical documentation and verifying the development environment. This is a crucial step that allows the project to continue.
At this stage, we already have a clear picture and a concept to further develop your project.
We analyze past expenses and forecast future costs to ensure that the project does not go beyond the established budget.
Are you considering entrusting your project to a new partner?
Leave us your details and we'll call you back to provide you with a plan to help get your business through the process without disruption.
Sometimes a fresh look at a project gives better results than further cooperation with a partner who does not meet expectations.
Our detailed specification, which we provide before you start, gives you a complete picture of the activities and an accurate quotation. It describes each element of the project and the completion time of the tasks, so you always know what to expect. Such transparency eliminates misunderstandings and allows us to effectively implement the project according to your needs.zdiagnozowanie problemów i optymalizację kosztów. Dzięki temu Twój projekt wraca na właściwe tory, a Ty zyskujesz pewność, że system działa efektywnie, bezpiecznie i zgodnie z aktualnymi standardami.
Rosnące koszty to często ukryta cena braku zdecydowania!
Zamiast inwestować w szybkie rozwiązanie problemów, firmy nierzadko wpadają w spiralę wydatków na ciągłe łatanie błędów. Efekt? Każda poprawka pochłania więcej zasobów, a finalnie wydajesz znacznie więcej, niż gdybyś od razu zlecił projekt doświadczonym specjalistom.
We prepare a clear distribution of costs and working hours so that you can better plan your budget.
We break down each project into details, indicating specific tasks and hours needed. Together, we figure out what's most important and what can be done later, and how it will affect your business. Thanks to this clear information, you will more easily decide what work you want to commission us.
You can start with a small project or a big challenge — we don't require minimum hours.
Hybrid pricing - Simple and transparent.
You get a quote from us that always shows the maximum cost — This is our guarantee and promise! You know right from the start that you won't spend more than we agreed. Our valuation takes into account all the potential surprises that may arise at different stages of the project. If we can get everything done faster, you'll pay less. Sounds good, doesn't it?
Do you have new ideas, old systems to tackle, or a problem to solve? Write to us, we will suggest how to do it taking into account time, budget and resources.
If it is before 3:00pm - we will call you today.
If it is after 3pm - we will contact you tomorrow, unless tomorrow is a weekend, we will hear you on Monday.